Our Vision

Phoenix Yard, a £100m masterplan for a vibrant and active neighbourhood at a key gateway into Digbeth.

To unlock the site’s potential, our proposals – known as Phoenix Yard – seek to regenerate a prominent 2.8-acre brownfield site in Digbeth to deliver a mixed-use scheme with the potential to accommodate employment opportunities, media and education space, new homes, retail uses, and high-quality landscaping, as part of a mixed-use proposal covering a total of 28,281 sq.m. This will be delivered as part of two phases, and as such we are looking to submit a hybrid planning application – a detailed application for Phase 1 and an outline application for Phase 2.

The vision for the site has been developed with the wider ambitions for Birmingham in mind, with the proposals positively contributing to Digbeth’s recognised potential and growth.

Growing the creative
centre of the city

As part of the first detailed phase of Phoenix Yard the proposals will have the potential to deliver upwards of 10,000 sq.m. of media and education space, designed to support the area’s continued growth as a creative centre in the city.

Digbeth’s progress and its recognised potential has already attracted significant investment. Phoenix Yard seeks to build on these huge catalysts for growth locally, including the approval of plans for the £1.9bn Smithfield regeneration masterplan and the BBC’s multi-million-pound commitment to the area, with the launch of its new HQ at the Tea Factory and connected ventures set to bring £282m to the region by 2031.

The delivery of new media units and education space at Phoenix Yard could not only support the continued growth of the BBC Midlands HQ and its ecosystem, accommodating larger companies associated with the organisation, but support emerging start-ups and SMEs eager to get involved in this cauldron of activity.

Delivered across Blocks A and B, this would provide shell and core space which is flexible for media and educational tenants to fit-out and suit their requirements.

Creating a like-minded community

As part of the outline second phase of the proposals we are seeking to deliver residential space, with the potential to provide co-living units, which would complement the wider proposals for Phoenix Yard and its presence in the creative centre of Digbeth. The details of this phase are not set in stone and will need to be consulted on again ahead of any future detailed planning application being submitted.

The residential space will contribute to local housing targets, providing essential new homes in a well-connected location, with affordable housing included.

Alongside this, we will deliver commercial floorspace on the ground floor, creating active building frontages to Digbeth High Street, Oxford Street and Coventry Street which includes space for retail, café and amenity use which will be available for the public, local residents, students, staff and employees.

The plans will be supported by extensive public realm, including green public spaces throughout the site. This could include residents’ amenities like a playable landscape, which would provide space for residents of the scheme to rest, socialise, and exercise.

Taken together, Phoenix Yard will present an attractive, vibrant, new neighbourhood community at a key gateway into Digbeth.

Community Benefits

Channelling history and heritage into design

The site’s heritage and its presence in a Conservation Area have been carefully considered throughout the design process which has been centred on delivering a scheme that is sensitive and considerate to its past.

While well-known as Smithfield Garage which operated on site for many years, in the past the site had been home to an ironworks known as Phoenix Works which formed part of the area’s rich industrial history in the late 1880s. In recognition of the site’s historical significance, the project team have carefully chosen the development name, Phoenix Yard, with an aim to honour this legacy.

Historic Map of Digbeth
The Site - 2024 - Phoenix Yard - Digbeth

Alongside this the proposals also aim to restore the original form and façade of the site, which will have a beneficial impact on the Conservation Area and surrounding heritage assets.

The project team has consulted with the city’s Conservation and Heritage Panel on multiple occasions to ensure that the design respects the Conservation Area and the nearby Locally Listed Building, which has been retained and sensitively incorporated into the design.

In addition, the overall layout for Phase 1 of the proposals has been designed with the surrounding landscape in mind.

The building heights will be modest in relation to the nearby Smithfield Masterplan resulting in minimal effect on the skyline. Throughout the site sensitive materials such as red, brown, and orange bricks, will be used to ensure the scheme fits in with its surroundings and enhances the existing local aesthetic.

The Phase 2 residential and commercial buildings are in outline design stage. Should permission be granted at this stage, then detailed designs will be drawn up and consulted on. These will take a similar heritage-led approach to design.

Access routes through the site will further draw inspiration from the surrounding architectural heritage to establish heritage streets, which will also benefit the wider town.

The site will provide the initial impressions of Digbeth from Birmingham City Centre, integrating public art with wayfinding elements to showcase the city’s rich history and culture to both residents and visitors.

Sustainability & Connectivity
CGI - Phoenix Yard Digbeth Birmingham

We are keen to hear the views of the local community on the proposals. If you would like to leave your feedback, please use the Have Your Say form to provide your comments...